Friday 18 October 2013

World Whale Conference

Just four weeks to go until the World Whale Conference!
AIMM will be there :)
Check it out:

Monday 10 June 2013

Cousteau launches global alliance to save the whales again!

Charities and businesses from around the globe form ‘World Cetacean Alliance’ in a new partnership for whales and dolphins. Read the incredible full story here and find out who makes up the 22 partners from 10 countries worldwide co-founding this groundbreaking coalition.

AIMM is very proud to be part of this team !!

ONG e empresas de todo o mundo formam a ‘World Cetacean Alliance’ numa nova parceria para baleias e golfinhos. Leiam esta incrível história aqui e descubram quem são os 22 parceiros de 10 países do mundo co-fundadores desta revolucionária aliança.

A AIMM está muito orgulhosa por fazer parte desta equipa !!

Sunday 5 May 2013

Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica), sighted this week by AIMM team around Sagres, Portugal

Papagaio do Mar (Fratercula arctica), avistado esta semana pela equipa da AIMM ao largo de Sagres, Portugal

Saturday 6 April 2013

ECS 2013

The 2013 Conference of the European Cetacean Society starts on monday (April 8th) in Setúbal, Portugal! Will you be there??

AIMM will be present during all conference days, contact us if you want to meet us!